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Workers in the port
One of the company’s most significant resources is certainly its employees. From the beginning to the present day, employees are/have been an indispensable part of the port´s success.

The reputation and success of the port is in fact the reputation and success of its employees and for that reason we strive to provide them with the best working conditions to continue working with pleasure and high efficiency. Employees demonstrate, time and time again, their expertise in carrying out numerous port operations, representing the most powerful piece of the chain in the port.

With the innovation of the Management Board and numerous investments, the company has seen progress, which is evident in a successful business policy that is reflected across the entire community. The port has developed into a successful business story with credibility for its employees, business partners, subcontractors and the local community.


The Port of Ploče was the first company to make assessments of hazards in the workplace in Croatia, and the employees of this department were amongst the first to pass the occupational safety exams in the area of Dubrovnik-Neretva region.


Much of the management of the company is based on quality and qualified employees.

In this respect, investing in human resources is one of the key elements of the firm’s development strategy. The company has recognized the importance of education, training of staff and motivation of employees, thus achieving the advancement of total knowledge, and hence the efficiency and competitiveness of the company as a whole.

Through responsible human resource management, planning the number and structure of employees, the company has achieved flexibility and established a robust infrastructure for business processes and solutions that will successfully adapt to and meet all market demands in the future.